Welcome to Year 4
Teachers - Miss L Buckle & Miss K Donnelly
(Miss L Buckle every Monday and Tuesday and Miss K Donnelly every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)
Supported by - Miss T Crompton
Class Email - Year4@can.fa1.uk
Year 4 Long Term Overview
Year 4 Newsletter Autumn Term 2 - What are we learning this term?
Year 4 Newsletter Autumn Term 1 - What are we learning this term?
Below is the Meet and Greet PowerPoint and the Moving Up Booklet from our Meet and Greet meeting.
If your child is new to our school, please have a read of this also.
Name | |
Moving up to Year Four 2023.pdf | Download |
Your child will receive homework on a Tuesday and we ask for it to be returned on Friday. Homework will reinforce your child’s learning and is therefore extremely valuable.
Your child will also been given passwords to Times Table Rockstars (TT Rockstars), Purple Mash and Reading Plus, which they can access at home. Children can use Times Table Rockstars to assess their speed and accuracy when recalling their times tables and they can work on their Computing skills using Purple Mash. Reading Plus supports children in developing their fluency and comprehension skills. There are lots of other resources to be found on Purple Mash too, including games to help consolidate children's Maths and English knowledge.
Reading is incredibly important and your support in this learning process is vital. We want to encourage a love of reading!
10 Benefits of Reading
- Children who read often and widely get better at it – after all, practise makes perfect.
- Reading exercises our brain – Reading is a much more complex task for the human brain than for example, watching TV. Reading strengthens brain connections and builds new connections.
- Reading improves concentration.
- Reading teaches children about the world around them.
- Reading improves vocabulary and language.
- Reading develops a child’s imagination.
- Reading helps children to develop empathy – as children develop they begin to consider how they would feel if placed in certain situations.
- Reading is fun – dreaming with your eyes open!
- Reading is a great way to spend time together.
- Reading promotes achievement in all subjects.
We issue every child with a banded reading book which they should read at home each day. Books will be returned every Wednesday so that children can choose a new one. Children also have access to the KS2 library - where they can select a book of their choice to read for pleasure. This will also be changed weekly. Every child has a reading journal which should be signed by a grown up to show they have read at home. We check this each week and reward children regularly for reaching reading milestones.
KS2 children have also been given passwords to use Reading Plus. This ensures quick progression in fluency and understanding.
Our P.E. lesson takes place every Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full P.E. kit in school (plain blue shorts/navy joggers, white T-shirt and pumps). Every Wednesday children in Year 4 will go swimming. Your child will need their swimming costume and a towel. You will receive a letter during our first week of time with further details regarding this.
Please ensure earrings are removed on PE/Swimming Days.
If you have any questions or would like any further information, please do not hesitate to ask.
We look forward to working closely with you to help your child be the best that they can be!
Thank you for your continued support,
Miss Buckle, Miss Donnelly and Miss Crompton
Maths - Canon Johnson Visual Calculation Policy
Autumn 2 Science Unit: Living Things
Autumn 1 Science Unit: What's that sound?
Autumn 2 History Unit: Ancient Egypt
Autumn 1 Geography Unit: The Americas
Autumn 2 Computing Unit: Online Safety
Autumn 1 Computing Unit: Coding
Autumn 2 Art and Design Unit: Drawing
Autumn 1 Design and Technology Unit: Fasteners
Autumn 2 Music Unit: Glockenspiel Stage 2
Autumn 1 Music Unit: Mamma Mia
Parent Information - Maths