Complaints Procedure
Stage One (Informal): Complaint Heard by Staff Member
Complaint Heard by Deputy Headteacher
The vast majority of concerns can be resolved informally. There are many occasions where the class
teacher, office staff, Deputy Headteacher or the Headteacher, can resolve your concerns straight away. It is in
everyone’s best interests that complaints are resolved at the earliest possible stage.
Stage Two (Formal): Complaint Heard by Headteacher
If your concern or complaint is not resolved at the informal stage you may choose to put the complaint
in writing and pass it to the Head Teacher, who will be responsible for ensuring that it is investigated
appropriately. If the complaint is about the Head Teacher, your complaint should be passed to the
Clerk to the governing body, for the attention of the Chair of the governing body.
Stage Three: Complaint Heard by the Chair of Governors
You should write to the Chair of Governors, via the school office. Upon receipt of your letter the Chair of Governors will write
acknowledging receipt of your complaint. At this point the Chair of Governors will investigate the
CLICK HERE to download our Complaints Policy
CLICK HERE to download Complaints Form Stage 1
CLICK HERE to download Complaints Form Stage 2