0161 330 3169

Elgin Street, Ashton-under-lyne, Lancashire, OL7 9DD


Canon Johnson C of E Primary School


Canon Johnson Curriculum

Our Christian school family aim to immerse every child in diverse thought-provoking, memorable experiences which place all children at the heart of discovering their true potential allowing them to become aspirational, valued contributors in an ever-changing society and global community.  

The Canon Johnson Curriculum enables pupils to develop their knowledge and skills ready for each stage of their learning journey. It deepens their knowledge, enriches their understanding and embeds skills.


In our school we split this into three phases:

  • EYFS Through play and exploration, create the experiential foundations in knowledge, skills and understanding which will be built upon in the later stages of school.
  • KS1 Building upon the firm foundations from EYFS in all areas of learning to access the wider curriculum at KS2.
  • KS2 Build upon pupils prior learning and deepen knowledge, skills and understanding in preparation for their next stage of educational learning.


Here are our Long Term Overviews. 

For further information, please see our Subject Handbooks which provide comprehensive support for our staff as they include further information regarding subject coverage, progression documents and our Learning and Teaching Strategy. 




Canon Johnson Long Term School Overview from EYFS to Year 6

Canon Johnson History Overview

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Canon Johnson Geography Overview

 Canon Johnson Geography Curriculum Handbook.pdfDownload
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Canon Johnson Art and Design and Design and Technology Overview

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PSHE and Relationships and Health Education


At Canon Johnson we have introduced a whole school PSHE scheme called Jigsaw. Jigsaw combines PSHE, emotional literacy, mindfulness, social skills and spiritual development. 

It is designed as a whole school approach, with all year groups working on the same theme (Puzzle) at the same time. This enables each Puzzle to start with an introductory assembly, generating a whole school focus for adults and children alike. There is a Weekly Celebration that highlights a theme from that week’s lessons across the school, and encourages children to try to reflect that learning in their behaviour and attitudes.

Jigsaw aims to help children know and value who they really are and how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world.

There are six Puzzles (half-term units of work) each with six Pieces (lessons). Every year group studies the same Puzzle at the same time (sequentially ordered from September to July), allowing for whole school themes and the end of Puzzle product, for example, a display or exhibition (like the Garden of Dreams and Goals) to be shared and celebrated by the whole school. Each year group is taught one lesson per week and all lessons are delivered in an age- and stage-appropriate way so that they meet children’s needs.

The different puzzle pieces are:


Term 1: Being Me in My World

Term 2: Celebrating Difference (including anti-bullying)

Term 3: Dreams and Goals

Term 4: Healthy Me

Term 5: Relationships

Term 6: Changing Me (including Sex Education)


Below is our Jigsaw Charter, which permeates our school community and helps our children as we grow and learn together. We have the Charter displayed in every classroom and it is a part of our whole school ethos.

To find out more about Jigsaw click here.


Canon Johnson PSHE Overview

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Relationship and Sex Education (RSE)

RSE is compulsory in all schools. Please also refer to our RSE Policy which can be found under the 'information' tab on the main page. 



At Canon Johnson we use Jigsaw which is fully compliant with DFE Statutory Relationships and Health Education Guidance. It is also a comprehensive Programme for Primary PSHE.

Below is the whole school overview of the topics and areas covered.

 RSE Overview.pdfDownload
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Canon Johnson Computing Overview

At Canon Johnson we use Purple Mash as a comprehensive guide to computing in primary schools.

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Canon Johnson Music Overview

Throughout school we use the Charanga Musical School to support the teaching of music.

CLICK HERE for more information about Charanga.

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 Canon Johnson P.E. Long Term Plan and Overview

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Cultural Capital 


Outdoor learning and experiences are vitally important to help children embed learning and experience the world. Within our coherently planned curriculum we have built in many first-hand experiences through visits both locally and further a field (including residentials and enrichment days provided by visitors to school).

If you would like some ideas for you to do at home, the National Trust has compiled a list of things to do before you're 11 and 3/4.

 Click here for more information.

We are currently in the process of updating our Cultural Capital Plan - we continually revisit this document and enhance our curriculum further. 

 Cultural Capital Plan 23-24.pdfDownload
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Our Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum is built upon the Early Years Framework 2021 and is included within all CJ documentation to ensure firm foundations are then built upon throughout school - specific links are made throughout our planning documents.

CLICK HERE to access more information about the EYFS.


In Years 1-6 the school curriculum is built upon the National Curriculum. 

