Miss Lyndsay Buckle Staff Governor

I have worked at Canon Johnson since 2004 as a class teacher across all key stages and have been the Special Needs Co-ordinator since 2015. I was really excited to be asked to be the Staff Governor, as I feel it is an important role to support the school improvement outcomes for ALL of our pupils. I have lived in our local community since birth, attending Canon Burrows CE Primary School, Girl’s Brigade, Brownies and Christ Church’s Sunday School. I am passionate about the education of children and find my role as Staff Governor both interesting and rewarding and I will always strive to ensure that the work of the governing body fulfils its duties to all children and staff of our school.



Rev Dr David Jacks Ex-Officio Governor

I formally took up post as Vicar of Christ Church, Ashton-under- Lyne, on 17 July 2016.   By virtue of that position I am an Ex-Officio Governor at both Canon Johnson School and Canon Burrows School.

I have been impressed by the Christian ethos and values which are clearly apparent and which form such a significant part of a Church of England School.  Similarly, I have been impressed by the skill and commitment of staff in the nurture of children in their care.

I have a wide variety of interests myself and my commitment as Vicar and as a Governor is to do whatever I can to be part of the nurture and support structure whether in school, church, or in the wider community.


Mr Abdul Kashim Parent Governor

I am delighted to be asked to become a Parent Governor at Canon Johnson C of E Primary School. As a local resident in the Waterloo area of Ashton-under-Lyne it will be a privilege to become involved with Canon Johnson, which is at the heart of the community. I am a great believer in education being the gateway to opportunity and remain hopeful that my involvement at Canon Johnson will allow me to make a lasting difference to the lives of young people. I have some experience as a School Governor from my time on the Governing Body of Alder Community High School in Hyde, Tameside in the period 2013-2017. I have more than 15 years’ experience in Corporate & Commercial Banking with Senior Leadership experience. I hold a BA (Hons) in Finance & Economics from the University of Manchester and am a Senior Manager at Homes England (Agency of the Housing Ministry).

Mr Tim Kellett Foundation Governor 

I have lived in the local community for over 50 years and Christ Church has been an integral part of my life, my parents' lives and now my children's.  Christ Church has supported us through teaching, being a constant, celebrating the joyous times and supporting through the sad times.  I was honoured that I was asked to consider the role of governor and meeting the staff and children in school I would consider it a privilege to do so.   I feel that it is right to "give back" and there is nothing more important than the future generation and achieve this by supporting a school and its staff. I am now in my 25th year of teaching in secondary education.  I have held roles from, Head of Year, to Head of English, to Data and Assessment Manager.   Currently I am the SENDCo at Stockport's secondary SEMH provision and part of the senior leadership team.  I have many roles in school, ensuring provision is in place to meet ALL student needs, managing staff (including performance management), timetabling, Duke of Edinburgh Award Manager, and ECT mentor.

Mr John Harrison Staff Governor

I have been working in education since 2015. My first 5 years were based in SEN schools working with children and teenagers with complex special educational needs where I discovered the enjoyment of teaching and learning. After completing my training, I was certain I wanted to teach primary children and began working at Canon Johnson in September 2022. I believe in providing the best quality education for all children and ensuring teaching is engaging, challenging and inclusive of all abilities. I am passionate about creating positive and calm learning environments where children can grow in confidence and be the best they can be.

I grew up and attended school in Dukinfield. I spent 16 years working in theatre in London before deciding to focus on a career in teaching.



Clerk to the Governors:

Penda Garnett

Forward As One Clerk

The Chair of Governors may be contacted via the school.

Governor Attendance and Data

The governors at Canon Johnson take their role in supporting the school extremely importantly and attendance at the meetings is paramount to improve outcomes for pupils and the wider community. Here are the attendance records for the previous school academic year.